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Vitamin and enzyme, are they same ?

Vitamin and enzyme, are they same ? Vitamin dan enzim, Apakah mereka sama ? Most people misunderstand that Vitamin is an enzyme, in fact they are different, although they both are needed by the fish body. Kebanyakan orang salah paham bahwa vitamin itu adalah enzim, faktanya mereka itu berbeda, sekalipun mereka berdua dibutuhkan oleh tubuh ikan. So what is the difference between them ? Jadi apa perbedaannya antara mereka ? First, Vitamin is a compound from out of the fish body, It is available in food nutrients meanwhile Enzyme is a compound that is produced by the fish body itself. Pertama, Vitamin merupakan senyawa yang berasal dari luar tubuh ikan, terdapat pada gizi makanan, sedangkan Enzim merupakan sebuah senyawa yang diproduksi sendiri oleh tubuh ikan. Second, Vitamin increase immunities of fish body and kind of essentials that needed for the growth of fish, meanwhile Enzyme help fish body absorb nutrients in the digestion process. Kedua, Vitamin meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh ika

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